Sunday Mornings
Informal, friendly and welcoming. Creche and groups for children and teenagers.
This is our main weekly service, the time when we get together as a community. It usually lasts about one and a quarter hours. We are always delighted to welcome visitors.
If you are not used to “going to church” and think you might not feel comfortable, you can be confident that you can just slip in. You’ll get a welcoming handshake as you enter, then you can just blend into the crowd.
Our main purpose in coming together is to worship God. We celebrate the good news of Jesus and listen to what he has to say to us. Every service has the following elements:
- Music We sing a mixture of traditional hymns and newer songs led as appropriate by our church organ and by our music group.
- Prayer We come to offer God our praise and thanksgiving, to ask for his forgiveness and healing for things we have got wrong, and to bring our desires and concerns; these usually cover world and national issues, things going on in our local community, friends who are going through a hard time and our own personal needs.
- God’s word We come to learn. We listen to readings from the Bible, and there is normally a talk about how we can apply the Bible to our lives today.
Our Minister takes overall responsibility for the planning of our worship, but a number of members of the congregation usually participate. We come together as a family, all sharing in the love of our one Heavenly Father.
On the third Sunday of each month, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (sometimes known as Communion or Eucharist). In a very simple way, we are reminded of the Easter events that lie at the heart of our Christian faith – the way Jesus brought his disciples together, ate a meal with them and promised them his continuing presence even after his death on the cross for them. We listen to the story, give thanks and then eat bread and drink wine together. Everyone who seeks to follow Jesus is welcome to share this with us, recognising that this is a sacred moment and is a way for us to declare our desire to live as his disciples.
We are a lively community with lots going on. Inevitably this is reflected in our Sunday morning worship, and we frequently incorporate into our basic pattern one-off elements – pieces of news people want to share, participation by children and young people, musical items and so on.
And of course, we always have special services to mark the great Christian festivals – Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Easter.
Children and Teenagers
We love to have younger people with us in our worship. We have lots of families with young children who worship with us regularly. Everyone shares in the first part of the service and then we go our separate ways. There is always a crèche for the youngest visitors and a number of age-related groups for those of school age, always with a central focus on learning about the Christian faith.
Although a crèche is always provided for very young children, during August – and on a regular basis throughout the rest of the year – we have a shorter ‘all age’ service when we all stay together throughout the service, worshipping and learning about God as a church family.
Parade services are also a regular feature of our Sunday morning programme, and we extend a particular invitation to those who are involved in our church’s uniformed organisations to join us on these occasions.
You don’t need to shoot off after the service…
There are always a couple of people available to share in prayer with anyone who wishes it. People often ask for prayer when they or people they know are ill or in some other form of distress.
We always offer refreshments – a great time for a chat and for us to get to know each other better.
Sunday Evenings
We currently have the following services on the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month.
Prayers for Healing
On the First Sunday each month we meet at 6pm to pray for healing. This is an opportunity for anyone to come and be prayed for personally or to pray for others who need Gods healing touch.
United Service
On the Third Sunday each month we meet together with other churches in the town for a United Service. The service will be held in a different church each month with that church also leading the worship. Details of where the services are can be found on our Website. It is a lovely opportunity to meet up and worship with other Christians in our town.
Cafe Church
Cafe Church is on the Fourth Sunday of the month and is an opportunity to talk, to discuss, to explore who Jesus is and what it means to follow him, while enjoying an afternoon tea together. It is church but perhaps not as you may have experienced it before. There is no set pattern as different people will lead it in different ways, but our heart is that anyone of any age will be feel comfortable to join in. Cafe Church starts at 4:00pm on the fourth Sunday of the month because we know that Sunday mornings can be really busy with sport or shopping or because it might be the only chance when you can have a lie in.
There is no separate provision for children in the evenings.