Not everything we do takes place on church premises. Many of our members give their time on an individual basis to organisations and activities that enhance the well being of the community, often working in partnership with Churches Together in Dronfield and District (CTDD). We have a particular interest in the following:

The Lea Brook Valley Project

The Lea Brook flows from the wetlands area in the Gosforth Valley, under the bypass and then through the town centre and eventually joins the River Drone after passing Fanshaw Bank, the Manor Hotel and the Oaks Community church.

A nature trail has been created and interpretation boards showing some of the species of birds, plants and other wildlife have been erected in the valley.

The wildlife in the valley includes:

  • At least 165 species of wild flower.
  • At least 86 species of bird. (45 species nesting)
  • So far 3 species of dragonfly, 8 species of butterfly and 8 species of mammal.

The project began in 2005 and continues to develop the valley for the benefit of the local residents and wildlife. The Lea Brook Valley CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) is a development of the original project and is now a charity run by volunteers in cooperation with Dronfield Town Council, Churches Together in Dronfield and District, A Rocha UK and Yorkshire Water.

A warm welcome awaits anyone who wishes to join in the practical work in the valley. For more information please visit the Lea Brook Valley Website or Facebook page.

In addition you can view or download a PDF copy of the Lea Brook Valley Leaflet.


Life at Dronfield

Life is an exciting new project, aimed at providing a community centre in the heart of Dronfield focussing on three key groups, parents and toddlers, youth and the elderly and lonely. It will be a modern, warm and welcoming place where these groups in particular will be able to meet up and relax with good quality and fair priced refreshments on hand.

It is being set up as a separate charity supported by all the churches in the town and current plans are to transform the dilapidated Parish Church Halls into a vibrant new venue, largely staffed by volunteers from our  churches and once again serving the community of Dronfield. It will act as a signpost to all of the churches and their activities and we anticipate that many ministries will meet and develop there.

If you would like more information or to be involved in prayer, as a volunteer, with financial giving or with specific skills, the project team would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact them through  or find out more from the Life Website 

Fairtrade in Dronfield

Dronfield has been a Fairtrade Town since 2010. This initiative develops support for the Fairtrade Mark, the UK’s independent guarantee that producers have had a better deal. A Fairtrade Town, City or Zone is a community which has made a commitment to supporting Fairtrade, and through it to support disadvantaged farmers and workers in developing countries.

Two of our members are part of the Dronfield Fairtrade Steering Group. The Group is fully supported by Dronfield Town Council and CTDD (Churches Together in Dronfield and District) and organises special events, visits businesses and organisations, is involved in local schools and has challenged supermarkets, shops and cafes.

For more information on any of these projects, go to or email