We are a Fairtrade Congregation
This means that we have committed to:
- Using Fairtrade tea and coffee after services and in all meetings for which we have responsibility
- Moving forward on using other Fairtrade products such as sugar, biscuits and fruit
- Promoting Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and during the year through events, worship and other activities whenever possible
If you have been to our Thursday coffee mornings, you may have seen the regular Fairtrade stall there.
Dronfield Baptist Eco Church
We are a group of church members who seek to care for God’s wonderful creation. In our own lives we try to live, as far as possible, a sustainable lifestyle and we seek to ensure the Church is as environmentally aware as possible – recycling as much as possible, using green energy, low energy lighting, water saving devices and environmentally friendly cleaning products. We ensure caring for creation is an integral part of our worship and that it challenges the church congregation to assess their care of God’s creation and the impact their own lifestyles have on the world.
We publish a regular newsletter, copies of which are available below:
Open / Download / Print February and March 25 Newsletter
Open / Download / Print December 24 January 25 Newsletter
Open / Download / Print November Newsletter
Open / Download / Print July – August Newsletter
Open / Download / Print June Newsletter
Open / Download / Print May Newsletter
Eco Church Award (formally Eco Congregation Award)
We have 2 Eco Congregation Awards and also the Bronze Eco Church Award. We are now aiming to achieve the Silver Eco Church Award in the next 12 months.
As a group we organise wildlife walks, visits to nature reserves and family activity days. We also aim to bring to the attention of the church any special environmental campaigns. We also support Fairtrade and other global initiatives. Our latest project is to help re-design the rear church garden making it as wildlife friendly as possible whilst still ensuring it is a place that all can use. We also hope to incorporate a quiet area for contemplation.
As a church we support the work of A Rocha (Christians In Conservation) and their 5 principles:
Christian – underlying all we do is our biblical faith in the living God as creator.
Conservation – carrying out research and educating.
Community – developing good relationships with local communities.
Cross-cultural – drawing on the insights and skills of people from diverse cultures.
Co-operation – working in partnership with organisations and individuals.
We support the Lee Brook Valley Project, a CTDD conservation project in the heart of Dronfield.
For more information on Eco Church Awards and A Rocha’s work follow this link to the A Rocha Website
For more information about the environmental work within the church contact