Engaging deeper with Jesus
Enabling all to meet Jesus
Enriching our Community
This is our vision for Dronfield Baptist Church and our local community.
We are a community of Pilgrims, each on a journey discovering what new life in Jesus is about because he fascinates and intrigues us and all the Bible says about him. We discover this by belonging to a church whose support, teaching, friendship and worship models the difference Jesus has made to us. The Bible speaks about the love and rule of God and this is seen clearest in Jesus’ death and resurrection where God defeated the dark powers of this world, forgave our sins and made us new. This is why we want to engage deeper with Jesus, to know him more with all our hearts and minds and to express this more in our lives.
We are a community of Christians, who continue to discover just how Good the Good News of Jesus is. We know this Good News is too good to keep to ourselves; instead we want all around us to meet Jesus and know him for themselves. We do this not because we have all the answers, as we know we’ve still a lot more to learn, but because we want all to know for themselves the transforming love of God in their own lives.
We are a community of Neighbours, who know the Good News is also about giving our time, energy and resources to make our town a better place for all. We do this through our work with other local churches on joint community projects, as we participate as individuals in the many activities and groups that benefit our town and through our doors being open to all.
If you live or work in the town you will most likely have noticed the chapel opposite Sainsbury’s, our home since 1872. We are glad to be in the heart of the town and the wellbeing of the town is always in our hearts.