Living in the Spirit

Today is Pentecost Sunday which is celebrated in different ways by different fellowships and denominations.

Some focus on Pentecost being the birth of the church. Some focus on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Whilst yet others seem to gloss over it as though they are little embarrassed about it.

Yet the Holy Spirit is the One we work with to live out our calling as Christians.

Please take this time to worship and to be encouraged together. You can find the service on our YouTube Channel using the link below. (available from 8 am on Sunday 23rd May)

Sermon notes are at the bottom of the page.



Worship Songs – In Christ Alone (Reminding of purpose of being in Service)  Beautiful (Celebration – Praise/Awe)

Prayers of Praise and getting ready for Worship

God’s Word  – Ephesians 4:1-16

Comment – Living in the Spirit Our Response Prayers for others

Song – Bless the Lord Oh my soul (10,000 reasons)


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