‘The time when rest needs to be renewed’
Welcome to Sunday morning worship. I always associate being at the beach, whether as a child or as an adult, with one thing – being able to rest. As a child resting was a very busy time because sandcastles had to be built, and destroyed, games were to be played and the sea swam in.
As an adult enjoying the rest was a quite different experience. It included all of the above. It included us regularly counting to four to make sure that none of our children were missing!! It also included restful rest when we sat enjoying a cup of tea or an ice cream, the chance to read a book, to write a postcard or to just sit and enjoy the moment.
This is the heart of rest, or Sabbath, renewed in Jesus. Please have at hand a postcard or just a piece of paper as I would like you to imagine yourself in a deckchair writing a postcard to God as this will be our opening prayers.
Please take this time to worship and to be encouraged together. You can find the service on our YouTube Channel using the link below. (available from 8 am on Sunday 6th June)
Sermon notes are at the bottom of the page.
Songs ‘How deep the Father’s love’ and ‘10,000 reasons’
‘Letters from a deck chair’
Opening Prayers
Reading Hebrews 4 : 1 – 11
Prayers of Intercession
Song ‘All hail the power of Jesus’ name’
Blessing: ‘Do not lose heart or be afraid, hold fast to that which is good and look to that which is eternal.’