Finding Faith 

  • Why would God bother with me?
  • How can I be forgiven?
  • Isn’t Christianity for good people?
  • Can God cope with my doubts and questions?
  • Who was Jesus?
  • Can I be cross with God?
  • Why does it matter what I believe?
  • Aren’t all religions the same anyway?

All these questions, and more, are far more common than you might think.

If you are asking questions about the Christian faith or wondering if there’s anything ‘out there’ you might want to try the following:

  • Talking to a Christian friend who you trust
  • Going along to a church service
  • Emailing or telephoning the church and asking someone to get in touch with you
  • Praying
  • Finding an ‘Alpha’ or ‘Christianity Explored’ course in your area.
  • Reading a book

Lots of information is also available on the following websites: