“Faithful in Prayer”
Welcome to our Sunday morning worship. Today we are pleased to have Rev Clive Burnard who is one of our Regional Ministers preaching for us this morning. Clive comes as a Pastor with a big heart for Jesus who has known throughout his varied ministry the centrality and significance of prayer.
It his heart that as we emerge into the bright day of the lifting of Covid restrictions we will take the time to listen to the clear voice of Jesus as he leads us on into the future.
Please take this time to worship and to be encouraged together. You can find the service on our YouTube Channel using the link below. (available from 8 am on Sunday 18th July)
Sermon Notes are at the bottom of the page.
Welcome – Listening & not just hearing
Songs ‘I see your face’ and ‘Holy Spirit, living breath of God’
Opening Prayers
Reading Luke 11 : 1 – 13
Song ‘Fire fall down’
Prayers of Intercession
Song ‘Be Thou my vision’
Blessing: ‘May God give you the grace, to become the people he has called you to be, that you may live and work to his praise and his glory