‘Taking the King’s Shilling the Naaman Way’

Welcome to our Sunday morning worship.

Today we conclude our baptism-based series on service – we will be returning to it in the autumn but in a different format.

Taking the King’s shilling is very apt for the story of Naaman as he was not only a leading soldier, but he understood what it meant to serve the King in this way. Naaman and the Roman Centurion in the Gospels knew their world of service was all about utter obedience to the King. It was do this and that is what you did.

Jesus commends this but we obey not just because he commands it, but also because we know he loves us and this is how we are to love in return.

Please take this time to worship and to be encouraged together. You can find the service on our YouTube Channel using the link below. (available from 8 am on Sunday 25th July)

Sermon Notes are at the bottom of the page.


Welcome – not looking quite so pretty now!!

Song  ‘Dear Lord and Father of mankind’

Opening Prayers

Songs   ‘In Christ alone’  and  ‘Oceans’

Reading   2 Kings 5 : 1 – 19 (Reader: Chris Burch)

Noughts and Crosses


Prayers of Intercession

Song ‘Here is love vast as the ocean’

Baptism of Gill and George

Song  ‘Be Thou my vision’

Blessing: ‘Now to our great God, who is able to accomplish in us far more than we can ask or even imagine to him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.’

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